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Guidance When Teaching a Child to Work on a New Skill

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Why is it important to understand guidance when working with young children? First, let’s define guidance in an educational context. Guidance is the ability to provide or share an experience in order for a child to solve a problem. Guidance is especially important when learning a new skill.

As children master their “basic” milestones or skills, much of what is learned is simply done by them mimicking others. However, not all milestones or skills develop naturally or typically nor are they easily acquired. Much of what a child is learning is based on the expectations that you, the educator, sets forth and the experience that you share with them in order to be able to achieve their skill.

Guidance is one of the 13 functional areas covered by the CDA training provided by Training
Innovations. Enroll in our course to learn more.

Dr. Hagit Gregory

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